Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Bunny Bites

I believe today at 5am i was bitten by the plot bunny. It is so typical this occurs in one of the busiest weeks of the year ( i'm not refering to Christmas; i haven't thought of that at all) the week before we finish university! the week essays are due, photocopiers are having spasms in the library from over use and epona is pulling out her hair over stress of FYP, the future, essays and exams.
so this morning is double edged in a way. i have the start of a story ( not very original really) but i think i shall enjoy writing it (when ever i get time to do it). I know i need to put it all down, lay it all out before i put it in the back of my mind - i need to play with the ideas - imagine scenes and scenarios.
when will i do this i don't know!! i have meetings, deadlines and exams looming. the sensible part of me is saying wait till March or even summer when i have time, but i know by then i would have lost focus -strike when the iron is hot is very true with me.
i am so bad at time management as well or having to do more than two things at once - i like to place my undivided attention on one thing. live and breath it for ages and then i'll know it.
Anyhow, deep down i'm happy i thought of my story - i love the idea of my narrator. Contrary bastard that he is *laughs*
Anyhow upon finishing the amazing book thief - i thought of something

"Finishing a good book is like saying goodbye to an old friend"

I could only hope and dream to write a book such as 'the book thief'.

anyway, i best go - i have lectures etc to go to.
Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Anastassia Kornilova said...

Well didn't you know plot bunnies, never come on time. Like at midnight, when you need sleep. But anyway good luck with everything!