Friday, January 4, 2008

New Year Resolutions

Well New Years has come and gone, and i have decided to set out my resolutions for this year. granted, i have never stuck to 'my list' ever but upon looking at a friends blog i decided to take the plunge and make my goals for this year public. Please bare in mind some are personal and some writing related. In no particular order of preference
  • Get a good undergraduate degree - 1.1 or 2.1
  • Lose weight - goal weight: 10 stone
  • start and write the first draft of a novel.
  • go interailing across europe
  • excercise at least three times a week
  • take a creative writing class.
I think i would be very lucky (and happy) if i succeeded in completing this list but i think i would be happy if i only completed one goal!!
Well, time for me to go (sadly) i have procrastinated for too long, my exam books are calling *sigh*
Salut for now

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