Sunday, November 18, 2007

This is the beginning......

Well, i honestly can't believe i have taken the tentative steps to creating and posting a blog. I admit i always shied away from these, as i felt like i was intruding on someones diary. In last few weeks however, my opinion has changed. i have read some inspirational Blogs such as Seraphyns incandescent and J.B's aphotic scriptorium, which have encouraged me to step away from my fountain pen and make my thoughts, research and pathetic moods "public". My only hope is no one from the "real world" discovers this, as i want to vent and discuss my thoughts and my writing with out influence or worry.
Concerning my writing, and the lack there of: Since the time of the famous five, the hardy boys and the three investigators (yes i have older brothers, no nancy drew for me) i have wanted to write, i have always imagined stories but could never chanel them except in the odd creative writing essay or poem competition. It was only when i discovered did i realise the huge community that was on the web, and the rest is history. i have written in various fandoms over the last couple of years, but though i am now in the middle of two such fictions, i feel i have stalled.
I have hoped for a touch of divine inspiration, so with a clash of thunder and fiery sparks, i would be struck with a made fever of writing and write and write and have instantly a novel. I honeslty hoped to have a 'stephenied' dream and write the story that needed to be told.

Haha, i know you are probably laughing at my naivity and well you should. I don't think the world works that way (for the majority of us), or we would all be bestsellers. No, I think i have to realise and i believe i have, that a novel is hard and gruelling work at times but is the more rewarding because of it.
So, i hope you shall join me on "my Blog" and see me grapple with ideas and research as i struggle to become a writer and poet.

1 comment:

J.B said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of Blogs :D. Hopefully you'll be thanking me for the idea of making a blog, not cursing me for ever mentioning it to you, lol. I'm excited to see what you'll post!
Random: I was going to use that template, but I wanted mine red, and then purple.
:D! Happy Posting!