Monday, November 19, 2007

Goals, Aims and Aspirations

"Goals", "aims" etc how many times have i started a brand new pretty journals with these above headings - my life is cluttered with half finished notebooks with scrawled lists of hopes and desires. Lists; i'm a great maker but a terrible doer, the eternal procrastinator. It easier i think as well to shove a slip of paper in a drawer or close a notebook, and forget it than it is to have the "list" looking you in the face in black and white. Thus why i'm typing here, and laying my university work to one side (procrastinator indeed).
I suppose it is blatantly obvious what my goals and desires are by glancing at this blog. Surprise, surprise its not to win the olympics.
Writing is my goal; whether it be novelist, writer or poet. I want to see someday my words in print, binded in a pretty cover. I don't want to be a bestseller, or a nobel prize winner (though i don't think i'd complain if that were to happen haha), i just want my words there. Immortalised. I think it wouldn't matter to me at all if they weren't 'big sellers' or i never 'lived off' my writing. I don't want to write to be 'famous' or whatever, it's not the reason i want to persue this. I honestly don't know why or have a set reason, i just enjoy writing.
I guess i want to just keep that in mind, when i'm freaking out or frustrated to death with this (and life), that this experience is to be enjoyed.
I can't describe the satisfaction at completing a piece of work, granted at the moment - this is refering only to a couple of decent poems. I doubt i shall be doing an Emily Dickenson and leaving a thousand poems in my wake.
So, to sum up this rambling and somewhat pointless post, my most important goal, ambition and aim is to write - whether it be fiction, prose or poems.
I want to write.

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